Here are some of the various Veterans Events and Gatherings I have photographed in my travels to reunions, airshows and museums.
2014: Vietnam Veterans Honor Ceremony at Ft Lewis
Vietnam Veterans Honor Ceremony at Fort Lewis; October 9, 2014
2017: Veterans with Aluminum Overcast in Olympia
Veterans with Aluminum Overcast at the Olympic Air Museum
2018: 401st BG Reunion in Columbus
401st BG veterans and families during their 2018 reunion in Columbus
2018: Memphis Belle unveiling ceremony
Unveiling ceremonies for the B-17 Memphis Belle on May 17, 2018
2023: 401st BG Reunion in Seattle
401st BG veterans and families during their 2023 reunion in Seattle
2023: Dick Nelms 100th birthday celebration
A celebration for 447th BG veteran Dick Nelms on his 100th birthday