B-17D 40-3097 The Swoose

Just a few sample pics of the B-17D 40-3097 The Swoose from my personal archives documenting the B-17s I have had the good fortune to see in person. This one is extra special as my son and I were able to see it at the National Museum of the USAF during the 447th BG reunion in Dayton, OH. The restoration of The Swoose is not open to the public, and it was through a very generous arrangement that Mitchell and I were escorted onto the Wright-Patterson AFB to see this and the B-17G Shoo Shoo Shoo Baby (on hold for the Smithsonian) and learn about other extraordinary and unique projects they have in the works. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we shall remember for a long long time!

B-17D 40-3097 The Swoose

NMoUSAF Restoration Hangar 2018

“Short Snorter” from the cew of The Swoose

Museum of Flight 2016