I photographed this 2008 RV-7A during an EEA meet at Thun Field. Interesting to have a mix of tail dragger and tricycle gear versions. I also saw a photo of the yellow plane on floats.
2010 Vans RV-7 #73442 “Margarita”
This took part in the Undaunted Airshow act at Arlington Skyfest 2022 and McChord 2023
Arlington 2022
Sequim, Wash. 2017
Olympic Flight Museum 2019
RV-7 #72676
Olympic Flight Museum 2023
RV-7 #73704
Arlington 2022
Vans RV-7A #70067
Arlington 2022
Vans RV-7A #72923
Arlington 2022
2008 RV-7A #70491
Thun Field 2010
2007 Vans RV-7 #72630
Olympic Flight Museum 2019
I believe this was part of the West Coast Raven team, and looks to be an RV-7 (though that is just a guess comparing to other RV models.